In context of YEA! Awards 2022, we have held 19.02.2022 the workshop “Business Identity & Marketing”. With students from different high schools from #Shkodra and #Lezha, we made together some further steps to prepare the final #ideas #plans #changemaker projects for the YEA! Awards 2022 #RYASChangemakerAward2022 & #NextGenerationAward_Vol.6.
Honored to have as #trainer and #lecture Prof. Alkida Hasa from University “Luigj Gurakuqi” Shkodër in this workshop. She shared today with students the newst from #Marketingstrategy and learned them to make their #MarketingPlan for their projects. Thanks to all of our donors and partners for your big support for YEA!.#RotaryClubSaalfelden #IFTE #QendraRinoreAtelie #OWC Stay tuned for the next activities of YEA!
YEA! – Dream it, Love it, DO it ! #YEA!Awards2022 #ChangemakerAward2022 #NextGeneration_Vol.6 #EntrepreneurshipAwards #BusinessIdentity #Marketing #RotaryClubSaalfelden #IFTE