Exciting Start to 2024 with YEA! – Young Entrepreneurship Albania!


Exciting Start to 2024 with YEA! – Young Entrepreneurship Albania!

Yesterday we had 2 important meeting with our youngsters to Start the Year 2024 and to discus about our goals for this year! 🚀

Future Teachers Meeting

Together with all our Future Teachers that are part of the After school Program we had a transformative discussion on the goals of YEA! Afterschool! Exploring the power of the peer-to-peer method they contributed with their ideas to shape the future of education. Together, let’s create an impactful learning environment that empowers the next generation of leaders.

Volunteers Meeting:

Our dedicated volunteers joined us for a collaborative session, as we chart the course for exciting activities in the upcoming days, weeks, and months! Dreaming and planning big with us as we plan and execute initiatives that will make a lasting difference in our community. Your enthusiasm and commitment are the driving forces behind our success – So… – let’s make 2024 a year to remember!

For every youngster that want to profit from those incredible opportunities and to be a part of positive change! Join us and register yourself in our website www.yea.al

YEA! – Dream it, Love it, DO it!