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YEA! Code Week

YEA! Code Week HTL Shkodra students learning programming On November 11, 2017, the event was organized at the Austrian school. “Europe Code Week” is organized …

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Yea Award 2019

YEA AWARD 2019 – The Finale of Business Plan and Business Idea Youngsters from different schools of Shkodra, Lezha and Elbasan presented their Idea in …

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Suksesi i ketyre nxeneseve te motivuara Samela Lulaj dhe Gjystina Ndou (te shkolles austriake “Peter Mahringer” dhe me supportin e YEA po vazhdoi rrugetimin drejt …

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RYAS Changemaker Programm – Albania

YEA! ishte pjese e Projektit RYAS Changemaker ku perfaqesues ishin grupi nga Shkolla Austriake BIMA.AL(Gjystina Ndou dhe Samela Lulaj). Perfaqesuese e YEA! Xhoana Molla Perfaqesues …

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YEA Team ne Lezhe

Sot YEA Team ishin ne Lezhe per te percjelle informacione me te detajuara ne lidhje me konkursin YEA Award i cili realizohet per te dytin …

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